Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Monday, 27 May 2019
One of the polarizing things about sports is that they can bring out the best in us and can also bring out the worst in us. Whether it’s making a game-winning play, or being on the losing side of the same play, over and over again sports reveal character. No matter the situation, there are
- Published in ESP COACH'S CORNER, Uncategorized
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Vertical Jump Improvement
Monday, 27 May 2019
One of the more common requests that we get is to increase the vertical in our athletes. There are many elements that go into an effective vertical leap including strength, flexibility, explosiveness and coordination. With so many contributing factors plus the fact that athletes are unique in terms of their make-up, special attention must be
- Published in ESP COACH'S CORNER, Uncategorized
Core Stability
Monday, 27 May 2019
Have you ever been in your workout and the exercise you are performing doesn’t feel like you are working any muscles? Many people feel this during core stability exercises. The main reason for this is because it is an isometric exercise. This means that the muscles are not moving. When you are working a muscle
- Published in ESP COACH'S CORNER