elite sports performance training summer
JOIN BY MAY 20th AND SAVE! Elite Sports Performance is designed to take your athletic abilities to new heights. Tailored for athletes of all levels, our summer sports performance training program offers training and support to help you achieve your goals and excel in your sport. Led by our team of expert coaches, our program
5 Ways To Change Up Your Exercises
Squat, lunge, pushup, bicep curl….it’s the same workout every time. Are you bored with the same exercises the same way? It’s time to add some pep to your workout with 5 things you can do to make your workouts more fun and effective. 1. Slow Down Instead of getting through exercises as quickly as you
PAC Summer Camp
6 Benefits of Summer Camp If you’ve been to camp, you’re not surprised to hear about the benefits of summer camp. Children can develop new interests, grow more independent and simply have fun with new friends. They can thrive in a friendly environment that can keep them active and strengthen their social skills. The summer